Program Info
Offering Divisions for Ages 3-18
4U T-Ball
Ages 3 - 4
6U Sling Machine Pitch
Ages 5 - 6
6U Softball Coach Pitch
Grades K - 1st
8U Baseball Machine Pitch
Ages 7 - 8
8U Softball Coach Pitch
Grades 2nd- 3rd
10U Baseball Player Pitch
Ages 9 - 10
10U Softball Player Pitch
Grades 4th - 5th
12U Baseball Player Pitch
Ages 11 - 12
13U Softball Middle School Player Pitch
Grades 6th - 8th
14U Player Pitch
Ages 13-14
18U High School Softball Player Pitch
Grades 9th -12th
***Ages are as of 5/01/2025 for Baseball***
***Ages are as of Grade level for Softball***
Clarksburg will work with families on an case-by-case basis to make the best placement for each player based on a combination of age, skills, and experience. For example, we would recommend an 8-year old player new to baseball start in Machine Pitch for a season before progressing on to Player Pitch. If a player wants to play up a level, they will be subject to a skills assessment.
Playing up requires previous playing experience with BASEBALL ONLY at the age-appropriate level:
- Players seeking to play up to 6U Baseball must have at least one season of playing experience with Clarksburg Baseball in 4U
- Players seeking to play up to 8U Baseball must have at least two seasons of playing experience with Clarksburg Baseball in 6U
- Players seeking to play up to 10U Baseball must have at least two seasons of playing experience with Clarksburg Baseball in 8U
- Players seeking to play up to 12U Baseball must have at least two seasons of playing experience with Clarksburg Baseball in 10U
- Players seeking to play up to 14U Baseball must have at least one season of playing experience with Clarksburg Baseball in 12U
Clarksburg Baseball & Softball Inc. makes every reasonable effort to place players on the team of their choice, as requested in the Coach and Player Preferences sections of the registration record. Clarksburg Baseball & Softball Inc. is also committed to being fair and objective in the assignment of players to teams. In the event that the number of requests for a particular Coach and/or Player exceeds the maximum allowable team size, requesting players will be assigned to that team in order of registration, as specified by the Registration Date in the registration record, up to the maximum team size. The remaining registrants not assigned to that team will be assigned at random to another team within the same age bracket. The exceptions to this placement rule are any children of the Head Coach or Co-Coaches (up to two) seeking assignment on that team, who will be afforded top placement priority or if the child played for the time the following season they will get priority, regardless of Registration Date.
Head Coach: Teaching skills and completing the administrative aspects of a team such as making the line-up. Serving as a role model for both players and parents. No prior experience needed, as we provide training.
Co-Coach: Teaching and administering a team with 2 coaches splitting the functions of a head coach. Serving as role models for both players and parents. No prior experience needed, as CBI will train you.
Assistant Coach: Assisting the head coach with practices and games in teaching the skills necessary to make progress. Serving as role models for both players and parents. No prior experience needed, as CBI will train you.
Team Manager: Does not involve any “on field” activities. Team manager is responsible for season-long administrative and logistical responsibilities such as: team snap updates, rescheduling games, securing a field for postponed games, and taking the lead on logistics for the end of season party. Team managers can expect other roles, which lighten the administrative plate for the head coach throughout the season.***While greatly appreciated, simply organizing the weekly team snack schedule, “team mom” does not qualify for the volunteer bond whereas team manager does qualify.***
Team Courier: Does not involve any “on field” activities. Team Courier is responsible for season-long duties including: picking up uniforms, volunteer bond checks, photos, spirit wear, and trophies for their team. ALL pickups will be in the local Clarksburg area. (6 times/season)
Other Volunteer Opportunities when you select “Contact me to volunteer”:
Field Maintenance: Field chalking and raking done for 40-60 minutes on Sat mornings (2-3 times per season)
Mulch Delivery (Spring only): Help with distributing mulch orders for our annual fundraiser in March. We pair volunteers together, so a “hauling” vehicle is not needed. (1 Sat in the pre-season for 2 hours)
Uniform Help: Folding and Bagging uniforms during the preseason
Equipment Help: Preparing the bags for teams’ equipment during the season, inspecting equipment for damage, cleaning equipment, and postseason storage (1 time per season)
Photo Delivery: Delivering Photos to teams at their practice/game fields. (2-3 evenings late in the season)
Uniform Delivery: Delivering uniforms to teams at their practice/game fields. (2-3 evenings during the pre-season)
Trophy Delivery: Delivering trophies to teams at their practice/game fields. (2-3 evenings late in the season)
Spirit Wear Sales: Selling spirit wear at a table. (usually performed during your player’s game on a Saturday or on Opening Day)
Skylark Road Cleanup: Picking up trash on Skylark Road in 2-man teams. (1 time per season for about 45 mins)
Opening Day Volunteers (Spring only): Volunteers are needed throughout the day from 730 – 3 PM. Many assignments will occur around the O.D. Ceremonies, and you will be scheduled at a time other than during your game.

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About Clarksburg Baseball & Softball
Clarksburg Baseball and Softball has over 40 current teams, including a recreational division and select(travel) teams.